The world of PR is no longer just about landing a hit in a major daily newspaper or an interview on the morning news. Thanks to the world of digital and social media, consumers have countless ways to receive information.
This influx of information means we have to expand our reach as well as diversify our messages to accommodate various platforms. It’s not just about “likes” and “followers”, it’s about engagement and long term impact. At C’Bri, we approach digital and social as an integrated process where we in we incorporate digital and social media into all of our communications strategies. We leverage the latest technology and effective trends to identify and reach key audiences and influencers, gain insights to improve results and plan and adapt accordingly.
Our strategic digital process means we evaluate impact throughout our program to drive the best results. This includes developing a comprehensive content strategy and editorial calendars, social media listening programs, digital and social analytics, website and social media pages, outbound email programs, search or banner ads, graphics and illustrations and/or search engine optimization (SEO).
We then work strategically and creatively to align build online and offline communications – to ensuring consistency, clarity, and effectiveness across all formats.